North Yorkshire Local Access Forum


25 September 2024


Secretary’s Update Report


1.0     Purpose of the Report


1.1      To update members of the Local Access Forum on developments since the last meeting of NYLAF.



2.0     North Yorkshire Local Access Forum Recruitment


2.1     On the 22 July 2024 a recruitment campaign was initiated for the NYLAF to fill the two vacant positions that existed on the Forum at that moment; during the process, the number of vacancies then increased to four due to the resignations of David Lepper and Jeremy Dunsford. 


2.2     The recruitment advert was circulated to all the Parish Council Clerks within the North Yorkshire area, the internal organisations contacts list, the North Yorkshire Council website and various local newspapers.  The recruitment advertisement was displayed from Monday 22 July with a closing date for applications of Friday, 23 August 2024.


2.3    The NYLAF received 15 applications in total, all of a high calibre, from which eight candidates were selected to attend for an interview.


2.4    Following a competitive interview process four new Forum Members were appointed to the North Yorkshire Local Access Forum, they are Stephen Clark, Mark Cunliffe-Lister, Martin Reynolds and John Toogood.


2.5    During the process the NYLAF received the following statements from one of the candidates:

1. A large number of the population is getting older and are often told to walk by doctors. Many stiles are difficult for people to manage, either being ladder stiles, very narrow stiles or protruding stone steps.
2. Dog walkers find it impossible to navigate these stiles also.
3. Most footpaths aren't wheelchair, mobility scooter or mobility aid friendly.
4. Bridleways aren't just extra footpaths - I've had horse riding friends complaining the gates are impossible to open from horseback.
5. Bridleways access should be wide enough to accommodate recumbent bikes, trikes and cyclists towing kiddy chariots.
6. There is an almost non-existent provision of cycle paths in the county - NYC Access should look at and learn from County Durham, Derbyshire, Cornwall, Devon and the Lake District.


2.6    At the request of the Chair, the statements have been included within the agenda pack for Members to discuss and formulate a response.


3.0     Local Transport Plan


3.1     A short update has been provided by the Team Leader of the Transport Planning Team leading on the Local Transport Plan, as follows:

          The statutory duty for publishing a Local Transport Plan sits with the York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority. The writing of the document will be collaborative between North Yorkshire Council, City of York Council and the York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority and when this commences, we will be able to plan when and how we will engage with residents and stakeholder groups.



4.0     Discretionary Restriction Notices


4.1     There has been seven notifications received of discretionary ‘28 day’ restrictions under Section 22 of the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000, and four notices of discretionary dog restrictions, since the last Forum meeting.


5.0   Formal Responses


5.1     As agreed at the last meeting of the NYLAF in May 2024, a record of all correspondence approving the communications sent out by the Secretary on the NYLAF’s behalf can be seen at appendix A to the report. 



6.0     Report Recommendations


6.1     The Local Access Forum is recommended to note the report.

6.2     To discuss a response to the statements made at item 2.5.






Assistant Chief Executive (Legal and Democratic Services)



Report Author:   Dawn Drury, Secretary to North Yorkshire Local Access Forum